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How do amber healing beads work?
Amber is associated with sunlight and warmth and reputed to boost the immune system, reduce inflammation, accelerates the healing of wounds, reduce inflammation of the throat, ear and stomach infections and respiratory disease. Amber is unique and has amazing results which are all natural. Baltic Amber is a traditional European baby teething remedy which has become popular all over the world.
The only thing I found with amber teething bracelets and a teething baby is that it reduced drooling. I did not find it helped with pain at all. And my son was constantly kicking them off his ankle.
I bought this for my 8month old son because I thought it would be safer than the necklas. I found it fell off all the time and ended up preferring the necklas
This baltic amber anklet seriously does something good for my baby. Started wearing it on her ankle pretty much all day and it has helped with her teeth from what I can see. Her cheeks aren't as red and she isn't throwing her face/mouth into everything trying to relieve her pain. I recommend!
Okay, so I used to think theses were a hoax, but I had bought one just because they are quiet pretty . And during some major teething my daughter would drool A Ton. So I tested out the anklet and what do you know the drooling stopped. Now I wouldn't say it works for pain and every child is different. I've seen some kids who have all symptoms after use of the amber and some with none. Just depends on the child- and hey, if it doesn't work for yours, it is still a cute item to wear ;)
This is a very cute anklet and hopefully it reduces drooling and pain from teething. No way to know for sure but it couldn't hurt!
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