Rumparooz Lil Joey Newborn/Preemie All-in-One Cloth Diaper - 2 pack

$38.99 CAD
$38.99 CAD
Ask us about creating a custom 2-pack! The Lil Joey The Lil Joeys are a preemie/newborn diaper designed to fit from 4-12lbs. The Lil Joeys take special care with a snap down front for sensitive cord care during those first precious days. The Lil Joeys...
SKU: 784672405584
Availability: 1 In Stock
Colour/Print: Aquarius
Aquarius Lil Joey Newborn All-in-One Cloth Diaper 2-Pack - Lagoon Baby + Toy Shoppe

Rumparooz Lil Joey Newborn/Preemie All-in-One Cloth Diaper - 2 pack
