All fowl have a crest on their head. It consists of a flap of skin and is particularly large and noticeable on cocks.
fowl have a crest on their head. It consists of a flap of skin and is
particularly large and noticeable on cocks. The serrated comb, which
looks like a blazing fire, is the best known. In addition, there are
butterfly, rose and pea-shaped combs.
Fun Fact
If the comb has a strong red colour, this indicates that the cock is healthy.
Scientific facts
Scientific name : Gallus gallus domesticus
Global Home : Worldwide
Conservation Status : Domesticated
Primary habitat : Grassland, Meadows, Forest
Dimensions: 1.1 x 2.4 x 2.6 inch (W x D x H)
Age Recommendation: 3-8 years